「Fuddo福朵智慧提醒標籤」APP使用說明 Instructions for use of "Fuddo Smart Reminder"


1      請於iOS之App Store或Android之Google Play下載「Fuddo福朵智慧提醒標籤」APP後安裝。

         1.1  「Fuddo福朵智慧提醒標籤」內置NFC電子感應標籤,僅支援Apple iPhone 8且iOS版本為14.0以後之版本,Android之行動電話應注意是否支援NFC。

         1.2  Android行動電話之NFC功能確認方法:

               •  開啟「設定」

               •  在「搜尋設定」列中輸入NFC

               •  輕觸並啟用 NFC 功能

               •  如果找不到 NFC,代表你的行動電話無法使用NFC功能


2      新增標籤

         2.1  按下APP下方之+號新增感應標籤,進行感應倒數計時設定。

         2.2  APP支援六組已定義之時間(5 、10、15、30、60、120分鐘)與自定義時間(時與分),請依使用情境輸入欲倒數計時之時間。

         2.3  APP支援自定義標題並提供圖片(可使用相簿或相機),方便使用者辨識。

         2.4  APP支援四組提醒鈴聲與震動提醒,於標籤設定之時間到時,APP會播放鈴聲或震動提醒。

         2.5  iOS因系統限定,當螢幕關閉時,警示音與震動提示僅提示一聲(震動),此為正常使用狀況。


3      感應開始

        3.1  找到標籤感應區按下「感應開始」。

       3.2  NFC感應晶片的感應距離為3公分以內,請將行動電話之感應區在3公分內感應「Fuddo福朵智慧提醒標籤」。

       3.3  APP感應後即開始依據設定時間進行倒數計時。

       3.4  APP 支援多組標籤倒數計時,於設定時間到時,播放提醒音樂或震動提示。

       3.5  自動重啟功能為當倒數時間截止時,經感應結束後會自動依上次設定時間重新倒數。

       3.6  編輯模式,可刪除倒數計時項目。


4      感應結束

        4.1  倒數計時時間到時,提示畫面由「計時中」,改為「時間到」。

        4.2  請按計時標籤開啟,找到標籤感應區後按下感應結束,即解除本次計時。


5      背景執行

       5.1  Android 版本請於「設定」(Setting)中開啟「應用程式」(Apps)中的「應用程式管理」(App Management),找到「福朵智慧提醒標籤」(Smart Reminder),並選擇「耗電管理」(Battery Usage)並開啟「允許完全背景行為」(Allow Background Activity),即可允許程式在背景執行。

      5.2  iOS版本請於「設定」之「隱私權」中開啟「定位服務」,選擇「永遠允許」。


Instructions for use of "Fuddo Smart Reminder"

  1. Please download and install the APP of "Fuddo Smart Reminder" from APP Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android).
    1. "Fuddo Smart Reminder Tag" is an NFC built-in tag. It supports Apple iPhone 8 and the iOS version later than 14.0 only. Android phone owners should pay attention to whether the NFC function is available on their phones.
    2. Confirmation of availability of NFC function on your Android device:

Open "Settings".

Enter NFC in the "Search" box.

Enable the NFC function.

If the NFC function can’t be found, very likely your phone is not equipped with the function, please check with your phone reseller or maker.

  1. Adding tags
    1. Press the “+” sign at the bottom of the APP to add a new tag to set the countdown timer.
    2. The APP offers 6 sets of pre-defined countdown times (5, 10, 15, 30, 6 and 120 minutes) for users to choose from, also allows users to set the timer by hours and minutes on demand.
    3. The APP allows users to edit the title and add photos for timer identifications
    4. The APP is equipped with four kinds of ringtone and vibration reminders. The reminder will be played when the set time is up.
    5. Due to the limitation of iOS, when the screen display is off, the ringtone and vibration prompt will only beep once (vibration). This is normal as usual, don’t worry.


  1. Connection starts
    1. Find the tag sensor area and press "Start".
    2. The detectable distance of the NFC tag is normally within 3 cm or less. Please reach the "Fuddo Smart Reminder Tag" within 3 cm by your device and start the connection.
    3. After the connection is established, the APP starts to count down based on the timer set.
    4. The APP supports multiple countdown tasks with multiple tags. When the set time is up, it will play a ringtone or vibrate.
    5. The “Auto re-start” function allows the user to use the previous timer setting for a continuous demand of reminder.
    6. In “Edit” mode, you can delete countdown tasks freely.


  1. Connection ends
    1. When countdown is up, the prompt will change from "Counting" to "Time’s up".
    2. To cancel a timer set with the “Auto re-start” function, please find the timer label on the countdown list, then click “Edit”, and delete the task.


  1. Background execution
    1. For Android mobile phone, please open "Setting", "APP Management", find "Smart Reminder", select "Battery Usage", and turn on "Allow Background Activity" to allow programs to run in the background.
    2. For the iOS version, please enable "Location Services" in "Privacy" of "Settings" and select "Always".